Thursday, March 15, 2007

"My First Picture Story (on this blog)" or "Hungry"

Wow, I could sure go fer some grub. Maybe I can find some in my room.

Microphones... ...Earplugs... ...Juggling Paraphernalia... ...No Food Here

I never realized that my room went this high. Huh, fancy that.

Oh look, I think I've hit the money pocket! Actually, I think it's a bag.

Yep, it's a bag. Maybe there's some food in it.

Let's see...

Hazaa! There is food in it! A whole box of raisins! I feel like a giddy little school girl. I can already taste their dried-grapey-goodness.

Wait, I think this might be a rubber check...

...yep, it is. Well, if that don't make my cottage wanna cheese, I'm not sure what would.

Now, there's only one thing left to do...

Hold 'em high and reach for the top of my room!

I might be overreacting a smidgen, but the box had it coming. I don't take dissapointment well.

Well, it's not quite a raisin, but for some odd reason, I'm not too hungry after eating it. I wonder why. Who knows?

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