Thursday, October 18, 2007


I am back, it's only been a few minutes, and you are still pathetic. Shall we do tea by the fireplace again? Be sure to wear that sweater I gave you, I'd hate to see it go to waste. Leave me be now. Go, get, be gone with you! Sod off, lest I am tempted to stomp on your instep in a most undesirable fashion!

Yeah, It's not Gonna Happen

I'm going to have to be honest here and tell you that I will probably not post a new "picture story" or anything of interest here on this blog for a while, if at all. So, if you are hanging on to any hope that such a thing will happen, keep holding on. Something tells me your shoddy life could stand to have some excitement, even if it is artificial or, in this case, nonexistent. If you are not hoping for such, then screw you and whatever pet you currently own, unless I happen to be rather fond of said pet, in which case, screw you and the haircut you obviously overpaid for ($10 at the Haircutery is still too much to pay for a style that could just as easily be obtained for free through the use of gardening shears and an upturned third of watermelon). Perhaps, in the meantime, I can divert your attention away from my incompetence and towards this wonderful website:
It is quite fabulous and I am quite partial to it. See if you cannot find the one with the clowns, the one with the elephant t-shirt, and the one with the unicycler. Extra points if you can find the one I am in!
Keep it real (as though you could), your chin up (choose one of them), and your head out of the sand (and in a bucket of acetone) until I return.