Sunday, March 18, 2007

Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Daoibh !

So, St. Patty's day was decent. Not too gnarly, not too vulgar, just about in the middle there, like, somewhere in the neighborhood of colloquial. See, I know fancy words. Anyhoo, loooooooooooooooook at the pretty images from my St. Patty's Day celebrations.

The first image there, the one on top up there, it is of me being an Irish Catholic.The hat's real.

And the one just below it, on the bottom, between this here text and the first image, it is of me admiring a gift of art given by the Kathleen Toohey Foundation for the Preservation of This Blog. It's quite the foundation if you ask me. It's a little hard to tell what the gift is, but it's a beautiful piece of paper with cuts made in it in such a way so that if folded in the accurate direction, THREE DIMENSIONAL SHAMROCKS POP OUT OF THE CARD!!!!!!!!! I know what you're thinking ("This is the coolest thing I have seen since I saw Fin's last picture story"), but rest assured that this is only the first in many amazing donations to this blog....
 start donating shit already.

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